I have been using pfSense for a while now and during my journey I have learned so many new things about home networking. If you would have asked me few years ago about VLANS or DHCP Reservation, I would have blank stare on your face. But now, I have whole homelab setup with many services
Add QNAP network share as storage to Proxmox
I have been using Proxmox on couple of older but decent enough laptops. But as I started to expand my “homelab”, I ran into issue where my local storage is getting low because space is main issue in these old laptops. Since I got QNAP NAS, I decided to add share just for Proxmox nodes.
Setting container using Portainer
Containers and Docker has always been bit mystery to me and I wanted to learn more about them forever. And when I got my new NAS, I finally decided to dive head on. Since then, I have discovered whole new side of technology and my homelab is more complex now :D. During my last try,
Installing Portainer-CE in QNAP
Few months ago, I finally got NAS at my home. It is something I wanted to buy for very long time but was always torn between make my own using truenas or get prebuilt (among others) like QNAP or Synology. I was able to get QNAP TS-453D 4G version. My main purpose to get this
My GIT Cheatsheet
Recently I dabbled into GIT… due to it being the standard for vcs and used by cool guys :D… but also because few in-house projects in my workplace were using it and me being DevOps guy needed to deal with it for CI/CD cycles. I felt that unlike SVN, GIT is more CLI friendly. All
Fixing “ASP.NET 2.0 has not been registered on the Web server.” error in Visual Studio
Recently I was working on very very old ASP.Net Project which was built on using .Net 2 framework. That thing was so ancient that VS2019 (or VS2015) won’t even load it due to it’s dependent 3rd party libraries were also incompatible. I was able to get Visual Studio 2008 Pro using my MSDN license. All
PowerShell quick byte – Quick and Dirty way to ping bunch of IPs using PowerShell
I recently had situation where I needed to monitor bunch of IPs and log if any of them fail to respond. I know there are probably 1000 different ways it can be done but I needed something simple that I can setup quickly and give out to anyone to use without worrying too much about