PowerShell Quick Script – Delete all databases from list of instances

I have been using this amazing PowerShell module called dbatools (can be downloaded from https://dbatools.io/) for a while. This is basically a module that has bunch of very very handy commands that can be used to do lot of SQL Server administrative operations very easily… for example, migrate database to another instance\server, restore collection of

Curious case of pfSense

So after my last not-so great experience with prosumer grade stuff, I dwelled more deeper into depth of Router/Firewall OS. After spending some time reading, I decided to give pfSense a try. And it has been working fine for me for a while. There are many things to learn and possibilities are limitless (along with

Copy ISOs for Proxmox

After my recent discovery of this great virtualization tool, everyday I am getting amazed by all features this software has and I am learning something new everyday. Just like any other hypervisor, in order to create VM (or container) it needs source in form of ISO file. The way Proxmox works is, it stores these