I have more than few laptops laying around that are too old to run anything but Linux… But I don’t want to part from them. Because I think they are still poweful enough to do things but also because there is no real good way to recycle them. And I always wished to find better
Headless installation of Raspbian
Do you happen to have a situation where you have spare Raspberry Pi laying around and get some project in mind… but don’t have spare monitor/keyboard/mouse? Or you are simply lazy like me to get off desk to put things together ? I found out that it is really simple to actually do headless installation
Creating LIVE CD out of existing Linux installation
If you have been working with Linux for long enough time, you must have came across this question… “I have setup my Linux exactly the way I need it, now how do I replicate same setup in someone else’s computer?” or even better, “It would be great if somehow I can make LIVE CD out
Amazing world of dependencies !!
It has been while since I posted anything. Mainly not because I was not learning anything new, but it is because I am not getting enough time nowadays (or in other words, I just got a life now :D). But then I realized that time and time, I like to read my old post to
Unable to allocate XXX MB of RAM error in Hyper-V
So… after trying Windows 10, I ran into first annoying issue which seem to have no solution at this point. Main reason I wanted to upgrade to Win 10 (not sure if I had choice since MSFT is literally forcing everyone to upgrade to Win 10) was to try Hyper-V. I am running at any
Upgrading to Windows 10 Pro
Finally I gave up and upgraded my Windows 7 Pro to Windows 10 Pro. I resisted upgrade to 8 and 8.1 mostly because when I tried them in my new laptop I was not impressed at all. Worse, I lost my faith in MSFT. It was mostly because user experience for me was just terrible.
Antivirus for XP
So it has been ages since MSFT has ceased support for once great operating system Windows XP. But some lucky few still have no choice to use it because of some legacy app they just can’t get rid of Or people like me who are still using Windows 7 and use XP in …err… XP