I was trying to create a demo for one of my experiment, and I had to make create duplicate database for that purpose because I didn’t wanted to do tests on my TestDB so quickest option was to use “Copy Database” feature in SSMS, because other option like restoring backup of DB with another name
Crystal Reports in .NET
Ok, after surviving 5 days without electricity I guess I am ready for new post. We had great storm last week and it caused state wide power outages. Some cities still don’t have electricity yet !! Anyways, this post is about creating basic report using Crystal Reports in ASP.NET I think Crystal Report has been
Developing reports in BIDS using Report Wizard
In my last two posts about reports, I explained how can we develop & deploy reports using Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS). But I think that even though I titled it as 101, it was not as easy as it sounds. Because there is even easier way exists to create a report that is by
SQL Server with in-memory TempDB
Today, I did some experiment with SQL Server. I have been using an awesome tool called RamDisk now and then for experiments. It allows to use RAM as a HDD !! So if you have enough RAM you can throw some RAM to this tool (free version has 4Gb max limit) and you will get
DOS: Execute and Kill Applications from Command prompt
Yes, I just refuse to use PowerShell (just yet). I know that powershell can do this and that and god MSFT knows what not but with all these bells and whistles doesn’t come at cheap price. I mean if something works just fine and smooth then why you actually need to use something new. It
Over Clocking my AMD Processor
If you don’t know what overclocking is then there is from Wikipedia, Overclocking is the process of running a computer component at a higher clock rate (more clock cycles per second) than it was designed for or was specified by the manufacturer. This is more usually practiced by enthusiasts seeking an increase in the performance
Side effects of User Account Control (UAC) of Windows 7
When I used it for first time I thought that UAC was really annoying feature of Windows Vista. I mean for each and every app it was required me to confirm, if I wanted to perform some task which required access to core system. It was more like low level mimic of Linux. But after