Well, not real as in some FBI agents trying to solve cases with unexplained phenomenal activity (or may be there are some ! who knows) …. well, for me X file case is like occurrence of some unexplained event and there is no clear explanation of what actually happened. That is exactly what happened yesterday !!!
I am not super enthusiast but I have a small fish bowl that has had only two fishes (originally there were 4 but now it just 2 left but that’s another story). As usual I take out fishes into another container while I clean up that bowl. Yesterday I did exactly same while cleaning up that bowl. As we all generally use tap water, we need to process it to make it OK for fishes so we need to add some chemical into it that removes chlorine and other chemicals that are harmful for fishes, this process requires some time (about 20-30 mins) so I left fishes into that container and added that chemical to bowl and left for dinner.
But when I came to put fishes back into the bowl, I found that one of the goldfish was missing !!!! I investigated “crime scene” but found no evidence that fish somehow jumped out of that container and fell off to ground, nor I found that someone intentionally thrown her out (yup, you have to consider everyone as a suspect at first) !!
Agent Mulder inside me thought that it could be case of alien abduction !! Since that fish went missing without any trail, and other fish can’t tell us anything.. so it is actually not possible to rule out this theory. But then I realize that what in the god’s name aliens want from my fish ? I don’t think they were looking for some very specific specimen that was residing in my fish bowl .. or may be they where ??
… But then Agent Scully who was also inside me waiting for her turn suggested that since that container was sitting next to drain it is very possible that fish might have jumped out of the container and fell into that drain !!! But as I found, there were no hard evidence to indicate that fish could have jumped out of the container. Unless she can jump about 1/2 feet right from the container and landed directly into drain
… but we can’t also discard this theory too. So It could be possible that fish had jumped out of this container and landed directly in to that drain.
In any case, that fish is yet to be found. And status of this X File is still open … for now I am left with only one fish which I think is feeling sad because of loosing his partner … or may be it is side effect of some alien drug that those aliens used to sedate this fish while they were abducting his partner !!! Who knows what is the truth …
It’s Just A Thought Real…