Moving Outlook .PST file

With SSDs getting cheaper everyday, I finally decided to upgrade myself to newer SSD few months back. SSD gives really nice IOPS pertaining to reads and writes of data but one very major flaw of this technology is it has limited number of read / write life span and you still need tweak your system in certain ways to make sure that your SSD performs well and have big enough lifespan. For example, you disable file Indexing in windows (which never helps anyways)… to avoid constant reads and writes to SSD. One more limitation of SSDs is smaller size (atleast in my case), I got 240 Gb SSD (‘coz don’t want to bet too much on new untested technology Don't tell anyone smile ) … so I have kept all non-essential application installed on my good ol HDD to save space.

Since I have used Outlook for ever, my outlook files are pretty big (>5 Gb X 3 accounts) so they were taking significant space on my SSD plus there was also constant indexing and writing done by process. So I decided to move them to my HDD today.

According to MSDN all I had to do was to move PST file and start Outlook … at which point it will prompt me for location of PST file but after trying number different approaches, Outlook was simply recreating those PST files again and again at same location. So that approach was dud for me. After Ducking (yes, I have officially switched my search engine to DuckDuckGo … but my experience about it in some other posts Thumbs up) …

I found another workaround in one of my frequent site … in which I just had to just to move PST files,  create new registry entry and restart Outlook … it worked !! So now, I am 15 Gb richer Open-mouthed smile




That’s it for now !!

Gaurang Sign

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