I really love DOS commands. They are so powerful and yet simple (most of the time). Few days back I…
How To
Logging in SSIS Package
Logging is an essential part of any application. It gives user an insight of application operation. And it proves valuable…
Using configuration file for SSIS package
SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) are really nice ELT tool for data transformation, conversion and transfer. But they not of…
Setting up personal Source Control Server using Visual SVN Server
I was working on one of my personal projects and I thought that it would be really cool if I…
Becoming administrator of my own machine !!
I know, it sounds strange. But it is fact that when we install Windows 7 or Vista (say any non-server…
Removing Favorite, HomeGroup and Libraries from Explorer in Windows 7
I like Windows 7. No doubt that it is better than Windows Vista at few aspects (but still XP was…
“Copy database” operation, quick ‘n easy way to make duplicate database
I was trying to create a demo for one of my experiment, and I had to make create duplicate database…