During these Christmas holidays, I tried something new … I tried to live without internet !!! Well, you may think what’s a big deal but guys believe me for a person like me who breath internet this is a “BIG” thing. In 90’s Internet was considered as luxury to have. I still remember using it
Database 101 … Internals of Database
Depending on storage method used by database, it can be classified in various models. Such as, Relational database, Network Database, Object Oriented Database etc. definition can be found over Wikipedia. The most commonly used Database Model today is Relational Database Model, in which all information stored as a relation. This model was originally formulated by
Database 101 … Why we need it anyway ?
Before going in to much detail, first lets see what is database… by book it is defined as, Database is collection of useful information For any enterprise, data is perhaps the most precious asset. It can be any sort of data … say customer information, sales data etc. But random data is only useful when
Setting Up LIVE WRITER for Blogging…
There are many blog writing tools available presently. Some of them are integrated with browsers (say, Scribefire for Firefox or Blog uploading tool in Flock browser) and some are standalone app. like Windows Live Writer (WLW for short), hell even there are some paid blog writing tools are available too ( i wonder who will
How to Add Plugins to WordPress Blog
WordPress itself has load of cool plugin collection. Users like us can also upload our plugin for others to use. Plugin really makes sometimes our life easy ( by adding more interactivity and attractiveness ?? i’ve doubt about last one :-p ). But here is the way, how i do to add plugin to this
Google’s new business
DNS (Domain Name System) is just like address of any specific computer , system or other resource connected on internet. When we type name of a website in our browser (for example “www.google.com”), it actually translates that web address to DNS address and browser looks up that resource connected to internet. Which is usually come
How to Selfhost the WordPress Blog !!!
Hie, There have be loads of how tos available on this this topic. So, here I am gonna write about specifically how did i had setup my blog. I found one free webhosting site (000webhost) , which also happens to provide free domain name too ( its good if you don’t have your own domain