If you have designed even a single application, then you know that it is very difficult if not impossible to code an application that will not generate any sort of exceptions. No matter how hard a developer can try to cover all holes, users will always find way to crash your application and ASP.NET is
Tag: How To
Interactive Sorting in Reports — SSRS
If have been working with SQL Server then you might already be familiar with a reporting service packaged with SQL Server, called SQL Server Reporting Service. Which basically allows user to create and host reports. Actually when you install SQL Server 2008, you are present with an option to install additional component called Business Intelligence
How to get user IP address in ASP.NET
There can be number of ways security and auditing can be implemented in any application. It can be done at Application Level, or at Application Server level or at Database Server Level. And I think best practice is to take advantage of all 3 based on user requirement, as we all know that having little
Remote Debugging in SQL Server Management Studio …
If you are a developer you know very well that a good programmer is not someone who can write fancy code but someone who knows how/when/where to press F9-F10 no offence. And it is equivalently true for SQL Server as well. Front end used to manage SQL Server instance is called SQL Server Management Studio
Using Cookie in ASP.NET to store temporary data
Today’s post is about how we can use Cookie to store data temporarily. While working on one project for frontend application my client told me that they need some sort of functionality so that user somehow can temporarily store some of the form data and can use the same data when they run the application
Handling NULL DATES in .NET and SQL Server
I think no matter how solid is your application development skills and application testing skills … the end users always find ways to make your application do things which it not suppose to do and so eventually it crash. Or worse, they can generate inconsistency in your database. Being both as application developer and a
WordPress and Database Connection Error …
This week, I changed my WP Blog password and DB Password for that blog as well. And I did it using control panel provided by my hosting service provider. It went all well without any sort of error or so. But just today when I was trying to access my blog for some past reference,