Just as usual, this post is kind of “Bi-product” of my attempt to create a demo for another post in…
SQL Server
Page level recovery in SQL Server 2012
Database corruption can be difficult to detect and sometimes it is very possible that you might not even notice it…
Issue with Backup sets of Backup in SSMS 2012
Just like many fellow early adopters, me too have installed shiny new SQL Server 2012 in my work machine. And…
Adventureworks in SQL 2012
After trying different RCs, finally this weekend I got time to download SQL 2012 rtm dev edition from my dreamspark…
Isolation levels in SQL Server … part II
In previous post I explained basics of ISOLATION levels in general. This post is a sort of demo of isolation…
Isolation levels in SQL Server … part I
Just like any reliable transaction system, SQL Server supports ACID properties. If you have never heard of ACID properties before…
Resolving … Agent XPs disabled issue in SQL Server 2005
SQL Server sometimes behaves very strangely for no apparent reason. Few days back I was playing with our staging server…