Recently I was tasked to create MSI installer for our current application which is in development phase. While browsing project…
Author: Gaurang
First thing I would like to write is a question .... Why the hack people write their bio in 3rd person ?
I am Gaurang. I work as DBA / DEV for local company in CT. When I am not working, I am either reading other blogs n news OR "researching" / "experimenting" about things that I can do at home / at work OR tinkering with some new hardware/software OR playing games on my desktop.
If you ever wanted to contact me, I can be reached by
Powershell … shell on steroids !!
Shell is not a new thing for any older timer … or for folks working with forbidden OSes like Unix…
Send Email in Batch File (using VB Script) without installing SMTP server
In my never ending desire to use Batch files to do just about anything, I was recently needed batch file…
If … Else in Batch file
If you have ever used If .. Else in batch file then you know that how frustrating it is to…
Record steps to produce bugs with help of Problem Step Recorder in Windows 7
Few days back I was just goofing about in system I stumbled upon really interesting feature of Windows 7 it…
And I have “4,294,967,295” messages in my inbox !!
I have more then 4 billion messages in my inbox, and without doubt I will be record holder for “the…
Template for Report … Unifying report layouts
Most of the companies use some sort of unique format for their reports and this layout is kept same for…