In my never ending desire to use Batch files to do just about anything, I was recently needed batch file to send an email to users once task is completed with “Success” or “Failure” results. And since I was already using batch files to do number of things, I thought it wouldn’t harm if it
If … Else in Batch file
If you have ever used If .. Else in batch file then you know that how frustrating it is to work with it. In fact if you google this case then you will find that it is very common belief that ELSE doesn’t exits for BATCH files !!! I think it is just because very
Record steps to produce bugs with help of Problem Step Recorder in Windows 7
Few days back I was just goofing about in system I stumbled upon really interesting feature of Windows 7 it is called … “Problem Step Recorder”. I am surprised that MSFT has not given it any short ‘n sweet name but rather strange and mouthful name … But as you can guess from it’s name
And I have “4,294,967,295” messages in my inbox !!
I have more then 4 billion messages in my inbox, and without doubt I will be record holder for “the most emailed a person ever” or “person with super giant mail box” or “person who does nothing but keeps getting (and reading) emails” …..and so on ….. Don’t believe me … here is the proof
Template for Report … Unifying report layouts
Most of the companies use some sort of unique format for their reports and this layout is kept same for all of their reports to create some sort of identity or brand. And for that developers usually use some kind of template to create default layout of report, and most of all reporting systems supports
FTP connection using BATCH file
I really love DOS commands. They are so powerful and yet simple (most of the time). Few days back I was required to create a script to download files from FTP site to local folder, and this has to be done at scheduled time. I decided to use my all time favorite script language to
Strange installation size of MSFT tools
I always prefer to use C drive only for OS and D drive for other installations. And I did the same thing when I installed Visual Studio on my machine. I installed it on D drive and when I tried to install newly downloaded LightSwitch from DreamSpark, I found that even the install directory is