Self Introduction in 3rd person in BLOG ?? Or it is actually written by another person ??

Just like many people, internet is my another playground (after our backyard ). I use google for many things, for work related stuff, to search cheap deal of computer hardware or just to find some crazy video. And every time I go to some personal blog or site, it always amazes me that why people

Isolation levels in SQL Server … part II

In previous post I explained basics of ISOLATION levels in general. This post is a sort of demo of isolation levels in SQL Server. In SQL Server, Isolation property can be configured using “SET ISOLATION” command. This command can be used to set isolation at any given transaction. SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED GO

Isolation levels in SQL Server … part I

Just like any reliable transaction system, SQL Server supports ACID properties. If you have never heard of ACID properties before than it is actually set of four properties Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability. These set of properties makes sure that what ever transaction we do in SQL Server (or any DBMS) and database performs consistently