Installation Project in Visual Studio … Installer 101

During past couple of weeks I was greatly involved in process of creating MSIs for our new products. The ultimate goal was (still is) to improve overall installation experience of customers. During this time I mainly tinkered with one the project type in VS which I had never ever used before, that was “Visual Studio

Sample data in WordPress … and beginning of new quest

Recently, I got interested in WordPress theme designing. Actually I’ve been using WordPress now over 2 years and I’ve always wanted to create my own theme for my blog. Honestly I don’t have what they call … a designer’s eye … but still I wanted to try. I have been exposed from web designing using

Accessing XAMPP MySQL database remotely + locally

This weekend, I was playing around with XAMPP which I am thinking to use for my quest to become familiar with WordPress development. For those who don’t know what the hack is XAMPP, it is cousin of WAMP and it basically provides development environment for PHP based applications (e.g. WordPress). It is basically combo package