For any DBMS system (I know that it sounds redundant) data can come into variety of forms and formats .. say CSV, XML, another DBMS, tab limited file or fixed position file or any proprietary format (as long as you have data providers for them ). And most of connected DBMS systems have different approaches
Exporting data from SQL Server to Fixed Position Flat file
Just as usual, this post is kind of “Bi-product” of my attempt to create a demo for another post in which I need to use fixed position file. At first I tried to create a fixed position file using BCP. BCP has query out option to export query results into a file, but I was
File Integritry verfication … using File Checksum Integrity Verifier
Lets say you download a file from internet and you want to make sure that this file’s source is legitimate (say you just downloaded new ISO of Ubuntu from their site). Or in another case you want to make sure that there is no corruption in file that you just downloaded from internet (now you
Use of SLL in IIS
I recently got curious about use of SSL in SSRS. I mean I know that it has an option to use secure HTTP but I have never used it. Because in all of the places where I have worked were either not interested in using SSL or just felt that it is too expensive to
What’s the point ?
Like many people, me too don’t like to install stuff in default C: drive. I think that sine C: drive is a system drive it should exclusively used for system files only. And all other programs should be installed in drive other than C:. But you will be surprised to find that there are many
Easy URL Rewrite in IIS
URL rewriting is a process of shortening URL of web pages and making them more user friendly. If you have been working with MVC then you probably already know what I am talking about. But what to do if your application is plain old Web application? Having user friendly URL really simplifies things for end
Finally I got Beans !!!
With so much of hype, I was eagerly waiting for my chance to try latest Android OS on my phone. I must say it was one of the main reason I bought the Galaxy Nexus from Google … to have pure Google experience and always have support for latest OS release. Just now I got