For any DBMS system (I know that it sounds redundant) data can come into variety of forms and formats .. say CSV, XML, another DBMS, tab limited file or fixed position file or any proprietary format (as long as you have data providers for them ). And most of connected DBMS systems have different approaches
Tag: How To
Use of SLL in IIS
I recently got curious about use of SSL in SSRS. I mean I know that it has an option to use secure HTTP but I have never used it. Because in all of the places where I have worked were either not interested in using SSL or just felt that it is too expensive to
Easy URL Rewrite in IIS
URL rewriting is a process of shortening URL of web pages and making them more user friendly. If you have been working with MVC then you probably already know what I am talking about. But what to do if your application is plain old Web application? Having user friendly URL really simplifies things for end
Setting up Email Subscriptions in SSRS
One of many things that I liked very much for SSRS over Crystal Reports is “Report Subscription”. At work we use Crystal Reports as our primary reporting system. And to provide scheduled report deliveries via email we have designed our own little .NET application that allows users to create schedule and manage automated report deliveries
Setting up SMTP server in Windows .. to use Gmail
Email notification is one of the most common method to provide update to users for various system events be it task completion/failures, system issues, reports etc. I have to use email notification time to time for all of those items. Once biggest complain in windows for emails is it doesn’t allow you to use basic
Creating MSI installer for Application
Recently I was tasked to create MSI installer for our current application which is in development phase. While browsing project types in VS, I had known that VS has ability to create installer using Install Shield, but that was pretty much of it. I have never worked with them before. But after working with windows
Record steps to produce bugs with help of Problem Step Recorder in Windows 7
Few days back I was just goofing about in system I stumbled upon really interesting feature of Windows 7 it is called … “Problem Step Recorder”. I am surprised that MSFT has not given it any short ‘n sweet name but rather strange and mouthful name … But as you can guess from it’s name